Brand Strategy • Identity • Collateral Design • Commercial Photography
Website Design • Social Media Decoration

聽著 Joshua 娓娓道來他踏上美髮之路的每個抉擇,在反叛的表象中,藏著他對理想的熱情與抱負。擁有歐陸與澳洲的美髮經歷,Joshua 熟知台灣與國際的差距,同時也看見了台灣蘊藏資源的無限潛力。背負著打開格局的責任,Joshua 期待透過 JOSHUA KO 促進美髮圈對話,為台灣注入新的思想。



在社會晦暗的此刻,人們被迫著眼於現況,將每一天過得淋漓盡致是義務也是責任。而 Joshua Ko 期待藉隱性的反叛因子,鼓勵並帶領每一個年輕不羈的靈魂:唯有願意衝撞,才有創新的可能。在規律中試圖偷渡一些日常反叛,從造型上的自我定義、乃至人生中的個人價值,都藏在手中所拾起之物件。在 Joshua Ko 的形象中,我們將在簡練的視覺中藏進反叛因子的符號,以展現帶有引領性質的獨到洞見。

Key Words
Playful 有玩心的 / Trendy 潮流的 / Rebellion 反叛因子 
Contemporary 當代的 / Gentle-Rigidity 剛中帶柔


Now the rules are broken.

  • Joshua 是一位來自台灣宜蘭的美髮師。2005年,Joshua 進入英國沙宣學院 Vidal Sassoon 修習美髮課程,並以優異成績完成學業。而後,Joshua 受邀擔任澳洲髮品品牌 KEVIN.MURPHY 的教育講師,並多次參與西班牙時裝週和 Vogue 時尚之夜的秀場髮型工作。

    對美髮的不輟熱忱與獨到洞見,引領 Joshua 以個人名號創立髮品品牌 JOSHUA KO。JOSHUA KO 接納與擁抱奇想,將突破框架的眼光注入其中,期許透過專業產品研發,開啟美髮領域的全新對話。

    啟於 2022 年,JOSHUA KO 邁出品牌初始步伐,將扎實的知識基礎融匯於工作日常中使用得順手的工具,形塑出人們更好就近的髮品產品。在持續對世界投以好奇目光的同時,JOSHUA KO 也期許能於細節中體現創新與全面的品牌價值。

    Born in Taiwan, Joshua is a hairstylist based in Yilan. In 2005, he studied at the Vidal Sassoon in the UK and obtained the Sassoon Graded Diploma with honours. The following year, Joshua was invited to be an educational lecturer for Australian hair brand KEVIN.MURPHY and has been involved in backstage at Madrid Bridal Fashion Week and VOGUE Fashion’s Night Out.

    His passion and talent for hair styling led him to the creation of JOSHUA KO, a hair brand that embraces all wild ideas and aims to promote dialogue in the field of hair styling through the promotion of professional hair tools and hair care products.

    Starting in 2022, JOSHUA KO took a new step to complement the whole collection with pieces created for life out of the box. While it developed into a playful image, JOSHUA KO established itself as a brand known for its detail, inclusiveness, and innovation.

Mood Board


Visual Identity

Logotype 在簡練的黑體基調上,展現出 JOSHUA KO 的自信與俐落,同時保有當代的視覺調性。藉由不同比例的字母設計,讓其在規律中蘊含隱性的叛逆因子,傳達 JOSHUA KO 不被框架、勇於衝撞的品牌核心。


Commercial Photography


Social Media Decoration

Collaterals Design


Website Design



